What you see is not always what you see

Saturday, July 19, 2014

It is already the middle of the year, time run so fast... I can't believe that i've been in this country for almost 6 months and enjoying every corner of it.
School done, i mean for my 1st semester. How did it go? honestly, it went well. i got some problems and i'm trying to fix it and hopefully i'll do much better next semester. A lot of people say that studying aboard is easy as peeling a potato, but you know the reality is not that.
Studying aboard is hard, the realty is that we have to face everything alone (i mean gotta do all of it by yourself). Far away from family, friends and leaving the comfort zone isn't easy as you see in pictures that i post in my Instagram or other social media. I'm not whining, i'm just telling you that in life we have to challenge ourself to get into the next part of our life. Being in the new place, situation, friends, journey and leaving the comfort zone. These past 6 months i really enjoying every bit of it, when i have a bad day i'm trying to get through it, when i have a great day i'm trying to get through it too. Trying to be more thankful of everything and everyday bless.
So, never judge people or talk about people if you don't really know their life. Try to learn from them (i mean the positive way) and be careful of what you said and what you wish for :)

"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." - Bernard Shaw


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